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Anoprime - Compliance with RoHS


To comply with EU directive 2002/95/EC requires that the homogeneous material does not contain more than:

            0.1% of Pb, Hg, Cr(Vi), PBB (polybrominated biphenyls),  PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl ethers)
            per substance and per homogeneous material and less than:
            0.01% Cd per homogeneous material.

Based upon information forwarded by our raw material suppliers and a report from Cranfield University in respect of data collected from analysis of Anoprime we can state that the above substances are not present or are well below the respective limit values.

Anoprime is applied as part of a mix of materials forming the final homogeneous material, i.e. substrate, pre-treatment and finishing coat.  As Martex have no control over the choice or combination of the other parts of the final process, the combination may contribute towards the completed system being outside the legislative requirements of the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC.  Therefore, in addition to our standard “Conditions of Sale” the following will also apply:

The liability for the application and processing of our product lies with the buyer.
Martex Paints Ltd cannot accept liability for any loss or damage attributed to the use of Anoprime.
The buyer is responsible for observing third party rights.
We reserve the right to alter any product data as the result of technical progress or further R&D.
Information supplied by Martex does not form part of a guarantee or warranty and therefore does not relieve the buyer from the responsibility of checking the suitability of our product for the envisaged purpose.






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